It's the weekend! Time to make bad decisions involving liquor, ladies and some dirty club that makes you stand in a cold line for the better part of an hour only to find out you wore the wrong shoes and therefore cannot gain entrance. Or you could just stay at home put these tunes on repeat and not get laid all the same...
Paul Harris vs The Eurythmics "I Want U"
Top notch house music. Good for you Paul! Of course you'd have to be semi retarded to make a bad Eurythmics remix.
Major Lazor + Elephant Man "Halo"
This is fun. Major Lazor, aka Diplo, and Elephant Man take on Beyonce's mega-hit.
Guetta is so hot right now and Madge...well she gets around. Remember Confessions on a Dancefloor produced by king disco shit, Jacques Lu Cont? Well this isn't that good. But it is seriously all right!
Indie fantastic. What are yellow wings anyway? The Urban dictionary tells me...oh. Oh my. Well that's just awful. Necro-what!? I've made a huge mistake. This has tainted my appreciation of this song.
The Japanese Popstars, team up with the man, the legend, Jon Spencer! If you are not familiar with 90's punk/blues/rock god JSBX then all you have to know is this - In university there were two types of women: lesbians and women that loved Jon Spencer.
The Japanese Popstars feat. Jon Spencer - Destroy
The Japanese Popstars are A-OK as well. The hype behind these guys is reaching critical mass so expect more from them soon! Fun fact: they're Irish!
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